My name is Teresa Asple, and I have worked as a translator for nearly thirty years. I translate a broad range of texts in areas such as humanitarian and development aid, IT, finance, HR, and law. I usually work client-direct as this ensures better quality.

I have a degree in translation studies from Dublin City University. My career started at KfW Development Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, where I gained a taste for the field of development cooperation.  I then moved to what is now known as GIZ to work as a translator and coordinator in the Language Services section. GIZ is owned by the German Government and channels state funding for projects to assist transition and reform processes in developing countries.

From GIZ, I moved to SAP where I worked as an in-house translator in the area of IT before training in technical writing and working as an information developer in CRM Sales. I also became a certified copy editor for SAP central copy-editing services.

Following almost ten years in Germany, I moved back to Ireland where I have worked as a freelance translator since 2001.

I have a keen interest in development aid. I have completed a course in Understanding Development at Kimmage Development Studies Centre, which gave me an excellent insight into contemporary issues in development, such as migration and the refugee crisis, which have made headline news for some years now.

I also completed a course on human rights, which looked at the history and philosophy of human rights and ways in which their violation can be remedied.

I keep up to speed with developments in computer-aided translation and other relevant areas.